Poet rahim das biography of albert

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Khanzada Mirza Khan Abdul Rahim (17 December – 1 October ), popularly known as simply Rahim and titled Khan-i-Khanan, was a poet who lived in India during the rule of Mughal emperor Akbar, who was Rahim's mentor.

poet rahim das biography of albert

Poet rahim das biography of albert

Rahim Das, also known as Abdul Rahim Khan-e-Khana, was a prominent figure in the Mughal court of Emperor Akbar.

Poet rahim das biography of albert einstein

कविवर रहीम जन्म सन् ई० में लाहौर में हुआ था। इनका पूरा नाम अब्दुर्रहोम में खानखाना था। इनके पिता बैरम खाँ मुगल सम्राट अकबर के Missing: albert.

Poet rahim das biography of albert hall
Rahim Das (Abdul Rahim Khan-i-Khana) Biography, Dohe, and Poetry in Hindi| अकबर नवरत्न में से के रहीम दास की जीवनी, दोहे और रचनाएँ.