Zacharias janssen lifespan

Zacharias janssen death

Zacharias Janssen; also Zacharias Jansen or Sacharias Jansen; – pre) was a Dutch spectacle-maker who lived most of his life in Middelburg.
zacharias janssen lifespan

Zacharias janssen invention

Zacharias Janssen; also Zacharias Jansen or Sacharias Jansen; – pre) was a Dutch spectacle-maker who lived most of his life in Middelburg.

Zacharias janssen and hans janssen

Before World War II there was more information about the life and work of Zacharias Janssen; However, during the invasion of the Nazis many of the biographical texts that were in the city of Middelburg were destroyed by the air attack that occurred on May 17,
Zacharias janssen contribution
Zacharias and Hans Janssen, two Dutch lens grinders, created the microscope in The Janssen brothers invented the first light microscope when they placed several lenses inside a tube and saw that objects near the end of the tube appeared much larger.